Timex-BG provides technical services on the territory of the country thanks to its wide service network
and excellent specialists. All our engineers have gone through CompTIA or Cisco courses and certifications for PC and network support. They have also attended product specific trainings at our printing devices
To reach high level of qualification our engineers utilize WICE – an online web-based training system on regular basis. There they are
supposed to get trained and to learn every last detail about Rex Rotary products. And they do! All of them have reached level Service Master, and more than half of them have reached the highest levels of Connectivity Master and Solution Master, which allows our company to offer even the most complicated production printing solutions.
We service our products only with original consumables and spares. Thus we make sure, that our clients print images with the highest possible quality.
To optimise the work process and for strict accounting we make use of a very sophisticated service management software. It allows us to input and dispatch service request and to input the service reports into a separate service diary for each machine. We are also able to provide full statistics and service history on customer’s request. The best thing our service management software does is allowing us to
plan service visits in advance, before a problem arises. A properly serviced machine should not be allowed to work until it
breaks down. We believe in preventative maintenance, which ensures long-term life of the equipment.